忍パズル 商品一覧
忍者の資質十条(The ten Qualities of a Ninja)
A person who has the five virtues of loyalty, bravery, courage, courage, and faith, and who is in good mental and physical health.
A person who is plain, meek, righteous, less greedy, fond of reason, righteous in conduct, and ungrateful.
A person who has good eloquence and wisdom, who understands conversation, and who hates to be deceived by the reasonings of others.
A person who knows his destiny and combines the truth of Confucianism and Buddhism, who is free from desire, and who understands well the words of his predecessors.
A person who know the code of the samurai, have the loyalty and bravery of the ancient warriors, and are able to offer their lives on behalf of their lord in the spirit of righteousness.
A person who does not like to argue with others, who is meek but dignified, righteous, and a good person, without two sides of the same coin.
Whose wives, children, and relatives are all of the right mind, and no harm will come to them from rebellin and perseverance.
A person who have traveled around the countries and know well how each place is like.
A person who is well learned in the art of ninjutsu, sensitive to intrigue, well written and well versed in calligraphy, and most skilled in the art of ninjutsu, with a strong military mindset.
A person who are proficient in various arts and can use them in a timely manner, ranging from poetry, writing, and song, to dance, kouta, clapping, mimicry, and other amusing arts.